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BJP’s Dream of ‘ACCHE DIN’ in 2019 elections, seems shattered – Jyotishi Bhujbal Acharya

ACCHE DIN in 2019 elections
After BJP won Lok Sabha elections in 2014, Modi wave swept the entire Nation. Modi magic seemed to be at its peak, In fact, the entire county was Modified. This “bhai” from Gujarat was the coolest PM, India ever got, in recent years, the young generation would have witnessed. He was the next demi God for India. India shining, was synonymous to Modi bringing shine to India. It was as if India, was sans any leader, all these years, and people wondered, how was the Country running, till now? People suddenly had high hopes from this government and governance, was talked everywhere. Media was abuzz with the stories about this new modified India. Stories like, Public offices are working extra hours, every public office & bureaucrats are in terror, in this Govt., etc.
It was a general perception that our new PM is the most clean PM till date and no minister in their troop was a scamster, as opposed to those “bad days” we were facing. And “Achhe din” was a dream close to becoming a reality.
And suddenly, all this seemed to have reversed overnight. You see, news of Modi now, visiting a country, or conducting a rally, or inaugurating a statue and you simply feel, what’s the big deal. Although it’s the same Media, running same stories about the Government and the same masses, tuning to those stories. But metrics seem to have reversed. It is the same Modi, same ministers, same Government, so what has gone wrong, in the last 1 and a half year. It is like bad luck has gripped this party, which was seeing the best of its times, 4 years ago. Indeed, its bad luck or, curse as we can say. It is not that the party has turned a scamster overnight, but it is kind of becoming evident now, what was probably covered efficiently, by the saffron band. It sure is a curse, of millions, which is fading the lotus, that this party proudly flaunts on its flag. Coming 2019 elections are a lost game for this Billabong Janta party.
As part of my prediction, for the saffron sena, the coming 2019 elections would be a disaster for Modi Govt. What makes me so confident, about the same, and what is behind the doom of this Govt, you may ask. Here is my analysis.
Now, with CBI vs CBI feud, it is evident that CBI has been used rampantly, to twist and frame the biggest enemies of the Govt. rather than the real offenders or scamsters.
This Govt. was running exceptionally smooth, in fact it was earning laurels from every corner, and suddenly we see, the entire game changing. India shining, suddenly became India shaming. And this began with one  single episode, as I can see, the Panchkula incident of 25th August, 2017. The eve of 25th August, 2017 was definitely not a very auspicious day for the saffron party. When Baba Ram Rahim, was taken to Panchkula, for hearing of a rape case. That was the day, when bad days started for this party and every decision taken earlier, started to take its toll, including de-monetisation, then GST, came along. In fact, it was the worst time for BJP as stars indicate. It was said that the anonymous letter sealed the fate of Baba Ram Rahim, I would say it was more for the Government, which was running its horses on Jumlas, and fake propaganda. But that letter has taken the earth underneath, the Modi Govt and more so for BJP.
In fact, not just, Dera Sacha Sauda, when you hurt the sentiments of people, who are God loving, truthful, and love humanity, you are bound to face doom. The curse of innocent is definitely the last thing, one would want to take on its shoulder and here, we talking about millions of souls, whose curses can play havoc in anyone’s life.
It has been proved time and again, Whosoever has attempted to frame Dera Sacha Sauda, in the past, has lost the game of power, miserably. History has it, Bansilal, Chautala, whosoever tried to mess with the sentiments or played tricks, with the premise of Dera Sacha Sauda, have always seen dark days ahead. And there have been numerous such incidents in the past, The politicians have had their love-hate relationship with Dera Sacha Sauda. And Dera has always attracted the Politicians due to the large following it enjoys and people hungry for power, have tried to use them to their advantage. Every time this has happened, it has brought bad luck for those parties be it Congress, INLD. I have found similar results in my close analysis of those cases too, the fall of those parties in those areas, has been fatal.
And currently, this party is in pieces, with the entire machinery crumbling down. There have been numerous instances of rebellion, from every fronts  both internal and external, that is casting dark shadows for the Modi Govt. Even the top agencies, the pillars of democracy, Media, Supreme Court, CBI are being dissected in the open. Instances like four senior most, Supreme Court judges conducting a press conference, breaking all norms and rules of democracy, indicating a crisis situation, in the state of affairs. This was the first time, India witnessed something like this. Ironically, there were many such firsts in the last one year. One after the other, things are just coming down heavily, on this Government.
While earlier Governments had seen scams, and we were all used to scams, but here, scam word is itself no big deal, considering the kind of developments coming up, every other day. In fact, what is worth a thought, is the fact, that prior to August, 25th of 2017, the saffron flag was crystal clear in its image, not even a single scam under its belt and suddenly it’s like the whole can of worms let out.  Some days back, CBI vs CBI shook the whole Nation, then we have Rafale, After CBI, we have RBI complaining of its autonomy is compromised. The Gujarat model seems to have gone terribly wrong. But again what is more shocking is this blowout, suddenly, like a pack of cards, falling miserably. The days ahead, definitely seem to be the most testing ones and the road to 2019 elections is laden with bumps of all kinds and most importantly Baba Ram Rahim’s verdict is going to haunt the saffron guys, for years to come.
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